Aura Reputation
Hackathon project
Open-source: Github repo
Project presentation: View the final pitch on youtube
For the LFG Ethglobal hackathon, with Joan, we implemented a reputation system for Lens protocol.
It creates a Reference Module that checks the on-chain reputation of a certain user based on its activity. When a user initializes the module, they can choose the threshold they are willing to accept for comments to be made to their post. It that score is fulfilled when trying to comment, that is allowed.
Reputation is computed off-chain and accessed via a Chainlink any API. It is contemplated that other lens information will be used to compute the reputation of a certain user such as sentiment analysis of their older comments and posts.
This project creates a new reference module for lens protocol. It uses chainlink any API to query an API endpoint that gathers on chain information about a certain address. We use The Graph for indexing and querying this information.
It only allows a user to comment on a post given that they have enough reputation based on what the author of the post has decided to be the threshold